A tip for keeping control of seized cities

If your server is anything like mine there is no doubt a lot of low level abandoned cities laying around for you to seize.

But then what is to stop soming from taking them from you?  It can be costly to create a bunch of troops to guard each city but not to worry, I have an easy fix for you.

LEVY!  Every day levy twice per city (the max the game allows) and don't recall them.  Just keep the levied troops there for guard duty.

The low level cities will get you about 20 troops per levy but in time those add up and 20 here and 20 there soon become hundreds and even thousands, which now all defend your city and it cost you nothing.


  1. This only works if u dont ever plan on dispatching armies. Depending on the level of your base you can only have a certain number of armies out at once. And each city you have levied troops in counts as an army.


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